Intro to HAM Radio
September 24, 2024
Week Four – Sep 24
4.1 FCC Regulations;
Ham bands are still monitored,
Current address is still required for a Ham license,
POBs are now allowed.
4.2 FCC Interface:
P/W and log in,
Example log in to license update.
4.3 Managing your license;
Address or changes to existing license,
Requesting vanity call,
Printing an Official Copy of your license.
4.4 OO Program;
Official Observer,
FCC entrusted ARRL,
They do monitor,
Complaints are primary function,
Identity is not published,
Infractions reported to ARRL,
Station is notified to correct,
Additional action is taken once ARRL sends documented complaint to FCC,
No rational person will ever hear from them,
Intentional interference of violation of rules can result in fines and forfeiture of equipment,
4.5 QRZ call sign data base;
On line,
Up to date,
Data populated from FCC database,
Bio and other personal information is added by you,
Free service, with subscription options,
Demonstrate use.
4.6 Review part One:
Continuing Elmer(s).